Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Oh dear. The Imps are the ones that I really hesitated on getting. They're mischievous little brats that just don't listen. They break things in the lab, knock lab equipment over, open the cages and let the Chromal Leupaks out, and...well...just wreak havoc upon the laboratory. Be sure not to let them out of their cage when you feed them.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


The Maidens, being a fairly new species discovered, is one I haven't fully figured out yet. They're very good for travel, especially because of how strong their wings are. I am particularly fond of them because of their gentle dispositions. However, I have come to figure out that, though they may seem sweet, they do have a nasty bite...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The Waterwings are somewhat annoying. Their cheery disposition seems to set most on edge (me being one of them). Pay no mind to them, though. They are adaptable to their environments, even to a dry one like the laboratory. I do have a pool for them, though, but they refuse to swim in it. Whatever. Just feed them and move on.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Chromal Leupak

Like their brother, the Mercurial Leupak, the Chromal Leupak's appearance varies greatly in the Omega form. Many attribute this to the Fatis Mirajin's extremely strong influence over them. The Chromal Leupak is more vicious than their brothers, but they can be kind if they are shown kindness. K'thraang, my lawful Chromal Leupak, is more or less the mascot of Altaïr Laboratories, due to the fact that he was bold enough to step into the center of the banner and sneer about it.

Friday, September 19, 2008


The Lapsworgs happen to be my personal favorite of the creatures that inhabit Valenth. They are very patient, loyal creatures who will not hesitate to sacrifice themselves for their masters. They are very sweet doggies when you happen to treat them kindly. And pay no mind to how Nouhime looks. She's merely asserting her dominance over Mitsuhide (any Samurai Warriors 2 fan should understand me). They do not, however, appreciate being fed things that they dislike, so be careful!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


The Bloodhawk is particularly useful for the transportation of messages over a long distance. These beautiful birds are very easily tamed, and, why, if I get the opportunity, I will begin my own aviary for these! Please note, though, that they can be easily angered, so if you do not feed them what they like, be warned that you may get a talon to the face.


The Viadante is said to be the ancestor of vampires. Personally, though, I don't see how such barbaric and disgusting creatures could be spawned from the graceful and beautiful Viadante. These creatures can steal your soul if you peeve them enough, so take my advice and only feed them the foods they desire.

Mercurial Leupak

The Mercurial Leupak particularly interests me, mainly due to the fact of the variance between the final forms of each. While most creatures manage to remain fairly similar to one another in their Omega forms, the Mercural Leupak and brother Chromal Leupak (to be seen soon), deviate from this, having strangely varied appearances. Be sure to feed them, or else they may become very angry...and you don't want them to get angry...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The Prrb. A cuddly bear with an especially odd name. I'm still unsure how the name came about, but hey. How can you resist that face? Well...not Irata's. She still looks like she'll kill you. Just be sure to feed them the right foods, okay? Tadakatsu gets a Sundrop, Shimazu gets Sparkling Water, and Irata gets a Wyrm Fruit.

But seriously. How can she eat something as prickly and spiny as that?


The Varanius is particularly useful, especially due to the fact that they are very good at household chores. My Varanius, since they are so helpful to me around the lab (and the house) get special treatment. Ranmaru should only get the freshest Ambrosia Nectar, Aelita the best Faerwethr Roast, and Nightmare the best Stolen Souls.


The Chimaera. I found these creatures to be particularly interesting, due to the fact that they are feline like myself. Anyway, off that point, these creatures are also to be pampered, so be sure to only pick the ripest Chimrean Pears for Nailah, get the best-brewed Balance Elixir for Sakon, and the most ferocious Suspicious Green Treat for Qii-ahn.


The Kumos. One of my personal favorites of the creatures, due to its popularity not only in the world of Valenth, but also due to its popularity in the world of Subeta. I have three of this adoptable. The holy is on the left, neutral in the middle, and unholy on the right. I am particularly fond of my Holy Kumos, which is why I give her only the finest Dreamdust on the market.

Monday, September 15, 2008


The Skid. I wasn't too fond of this creature, so I only adopted one. This one was given only foods of the evil alignment, namely Tainted Ichor.

Of course, since everyone told me I couldn't make any inferences with only one of them, I had to get two more. Hmph.