Monday, October 13, 2008

Lab Journal 10-13-08

Never. Freaking. Again.

This is the last time I go and buy new video games on a Sunday. I was up until the wee hours of the morning slaying creatures of darkness on Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. It was so much fun, but I'm so tired, and the Chromal Leupaks are practically running rampant...

I suppose tomorrow, I'll have to clean up their (or my) mess... At least, if I don't catch myself slaying skeleton knights and fleamen until 2 A.M. again.

But, onto science.

Nobunaga, Ieyasu, and Okuni have all hatched, and poor Kanetsugu is all alone with a bunch of Flarions! Poor dear. Luckily he doesn't have long left before he can join his siblings.

Meanwhile, Kalira has grown into her Omega stage, making her the first Omega I've had since those Waterwings. I am overjoyed with this, and am eagerly awaiting the evolution of Banafrit and Agana.

So...I suppose that's it. Now go away. I'm tired...

Science never was so tiring...

Quick Edit! Kanetsugu has reached Beta stage, but he's still behind Nobunaga, Okuni, and Ieyasu! Show him some love, too!

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